Welcome to my blog, The Proverbs Kitchen: A place where I hope to inspire you to bless your family with delicious meals and sweet treats that aren’t out of a store box. My blog name comes from the Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible, who I strive to be like. Proverbs states that she “works with eager hands. She gets up while it is still night and provides food for her family.” I believe as a mother it is my duty to provide nourishment through food for my family, and I love inspiring other moms on what to make.

Here’s a little bit about me:
My name’s Sylvia. I was born and reside in the great plains of South Dakota. I have three daughters with my husband, Timothy. Their names are Raina, Raivyn and Oakley. I’ve always been a stay at home, homeschooling mom. For the first 8 years of motherhood, I had an out of home cake decorating business, where I expressed my creativity through baking for other people. I have an eye for beautiful food, if I had a motto it would be, “I eat with my eyes first.”

Why I decided to start a recipe blog:
This year (2022) is the first year I have two kids to teach, and my cake business and my homeschooling were often fighting for my attention. It didn’t take long for me to see that one of them was being neglected, and it wasn’t the cake business. I took a few weeks off, thinking I just need a break. Throughout those weeks, I realized how much I’m depriving my family of a present mom and homemaker.
My heart literally ached for a lifestyle of present motherhood, nurturing a family, cooking from scratch and eating around the family table, but my actions and the things I was working towards were pulling me in another direction. It was time to evaluate if the “gold” I was chasing after is really as important as the silver lining in the clouds around me.

My girls LOVE to help me in the kitchen, and because of germs and safe handling I always had to keep them out of the kitchen when baking for other people. Raina was 8, and already so capable of doing some simple cooking and baking. I felt like I was robbing my girls of time and space to help mom in the kitchen and develop a love for it. Sure, they could help the rest of the days that I didn’t have cakes, and they did, but there were so many times where I refused to take the time to teach them something because, and I quote myself saying this many times-
“I want to be out of the kitchen already. “
I was basically at a point where baking and decorating wasn’t enjoyable anymore, all I had was guilt and stress and the pressure to uphold a certain reputation, that I CAN do it all.
but when i was honest with myself, i saw that there’s no point in being a stay-at-home mom if i’m a stay-at-home mom that’s always busy working for other people.

I have this passion and love for cooking, and baking and decorating. I have an ever-present itch to “create” but not limited to cake decorating. But with a physical cake business, that is what I was limiting myself too. It truly takes SO. MUCH. TIME. that there was no time for anything else. Along with my love for baking and cooking, I also love styling food and plates, photographing it, creating videos, reels and the like.
SO MANY creative itches …
enter my blogging idea.
I realized I can do all of those things simultaneously in the blogging world, literally any time of the day or week, with my children right by my side, even helping me.

So here we are:
I love seeing people use my recipes and inspiring them on what to cook for supper. I hope that these recipes are a blessing to you, and feel free to leave any questions under the blogs if my instructions left any questions. Thank you for following along, I hope you hang around!